Frequently asked questions
Kevin Want Sand & Shale has answered some of the most common landscaping supply questions. If you need more information or have a question of your own, don’t hesitate to contact our team.
Mulch helps to retain the moisture present in soil and prevents the growth of weeds. Mulching your garden will also result in healthier plants.
A soil mix generally consists of blends of organic matter and soil materials and can be used as a topsoil substitute. Soil mixes have a much higher amount of organic matter when compared to regular soil.
You can calculate how much soil or soil mix is required for your project by measuring the area you want to fill and multiplying that number by the depth of the garden bed.
You can utilise the organic matter found in compost, soil mix or topsoils to improve drainage. We also recommend using drainage sand, as it is a cost effective option that will help break up and aerate the soil.
All of our sandstone and fill sand products come from our own quarry located in the local area.
Top dressing should only be done during the growing season. The earlier in the season the better, generally top dressing should take place in late spring or early summer.